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EPLAN Education

Si eres estudiante o estás cursando tus prácticas profesionales, descarga aquí una versión gratuita y de duración limitada de EPLAN Education para estudiantes.


Engineering 4.0

Researchers at the E4TC in Aachen introduced an engineering workflow model (amongst other things) and prepared an evaluation matrix with five efficiency levels.

Control Cabinet Engineering 4.0

Is it worth introducing automation for manufacturing and engineering processes in panel building? You’d better believe it – and for both large corporations and smaller companies.

White Paper

White Paper “Electrified – The Digital Twin"

The white paper shows what a digital twin consists of and which disciplines and fields can work with it, with a special focus on the engineering field of designing and documenting wires and wire harnesses in 3D.


EPLAN – efficient engineering.

Impulsos para su ingeniería

¿Es usted un proveedor, un fabricante de componentes o un operador? Con nuestro software puede explotar completamente su potencial de eficiencia, independientemente de su posición.